Tsemppi – Fitness App

Case overview

Tsemppi is a Innovative take to Fitness making it easier to grow your aesthetic self through automation. Tsemppi tracks your diet and fitness on daily basis and provides you the best solution to achieve your goal state. Seeing your progress is very satisfying now.

The Brief

Tsemppi tackled health differently than traditional apps, by combining the record of Diet info and Fitness to visualize the trends towards the user goal. Not only that but using AI to suggest users of their daily goals of calories consumed and lost. The Tsemppi AI Coach helps users find out more about how they can achieve their desired result or guide them in problems the face in the way. 

Our Approach

When you log into Tsemppi you are presented to add your current state and fitness goal. This info is analyzed to give you a personalized daily plan for diet and fitness. The app is made with accessability in mind, you can easily add barcode of food you eat or simple search and add the amount of it and it’ll add it to the day. Protiens, Carbs and Fats are calculated sepeately to compensate for calories. In the workout section you can select one of the premade workouts or create your own, the workouts are tracked and goal is to burn the calories gained.

The Results

This challenging MVP app was successfully made by the end of the duration with exciting features:

Overall the app had a complete and great looking interface with a great client review.




MVP Goals


Status (To Be Launched)